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Natasha Owen - Chase My Dream psoter

Natasha Owen – Chase My Dream


Date published: May 20, 2024

Location: Art Gallery

When: 29 May - 9 June 2024

Time: Wednesday to Saturday 10am - 4pm, Sunday 1pm - 4pm

About This Exhibition:

Chase my “DREAM”
Natasha Owen is a resin, multi-media, self-taught contemporary artist. Passion for art was in her blood and her dream was to be a successful professional artist ever since she was a child. She was incentivised by winning several awards for her art when she was young in Hong Kong, but was discouraged from attending art school. She was told, ‘‘There’s no money in that and you need to get a job’’.

She picked up her art and her brushes again a few years ago and suddenly got a thought, ‘‘I have to chase my dream. I don’t want to be a famous artist after I die. I am a happy, cheerful, optimistic person. I believe that lifeline in my palm, I have to take control myself.’’

Natasha uses many layers of pigments and resins, and it can take her two months or more to complete a picture in her specially-built temperature-controlled studio. Her wave pictures are organic, powerful and infused with energy.